
Facilitator Training

Facilitator Training vs. Facilitator course..what’s the difference?

Training and facilitating course are two different activities. They require some of the same skills, and some different skills. A Facilitator Training is often a content expert, while a facilitator is a process expert. A trainer uses lecture, conducts demonstrations, supervises skill practice, and corrects the learners’ mistakes. A meeting facilitator leads discussions and helps participants learn from their own experiences and shared information. The trainer might lead a discussion about course content; a facilitator will focus more on the process of a discussion. Facilitation skills training often includes training skills.

Facilitator Training are needed now more than ever.

Learning Facilitators play a significant role in all areas of almost any organisation or group across the world. Learning Facilitators act as the Masters who share knowledge, behaviours, attitudes, skills, information and expertise in a learnful way. They develop people further by making them realise their potential, leading them to better themselves within their jobs, careers, goals and independence. Learning Facilitators also play their part and bring change in the formal education and learning environment itself.

About the Facilitator Training

In an ever-changing world, it’s crucial for organisations and individuals alike to evolve with the times. Not only does staying the same stagnate growth, but it also renders one irrelevant where relevance counts most.

Assessment College train and equip Facilitators with the critical skills to help them help other individuals and organisations stand out head and shoulders above in their respective fields, professions and industries. If you’ve always wanted to become a facilitator and get involved in skills development, you’ll need to start with training. Here’s what you will learn during the Facilitator Course and how it can help you excel at your role of improving and changing the work industry and lives of others:

Introduction to Facilitator Training

Facilitation is a technique used by trainers to help learners acquire, retain, and apply knowledge and skills. Participants are introduced to content and then ask questions while the trainer fosters the discussion, takes steps to enhance the experience for the learners, and gives suggestions. They do not, however, do the work for the group.

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