
Become SETA Accredited Training Provider

Accreditation Accreditation is the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, body or institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function within the quality assurance system set up by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Training Provider A provider is an education and training body (institution/organisation, company, centre, collaborative partnership, or consultancy) which delivers learning programmes that culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards or qualifications. Getting accreditation “With the type of training school you want to provide you would need to contact Services…

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What is an Annual Training Report, ATR?

What is an Annual Training Report ATR? Basically this report consists of all attendance registers, proof of expenditure, training provider used in this report the SETA can establish whether training was done or is in the process of being done. What is the purpose of a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP)? The Workplace Skills Plan serves to structure the type and amount of training for the year ahead, and is based on the skills needs of the organisation. A good WSP should consider current and future needs, taking into account gaps…

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Assessor Course

Are you passionate about teaching and conducting assessments? Why not make a career out of your passion by attending any one of our SETA accredited credit bearing assessor courses. The Assessor course is for people who intend to assess candidates for their achievement of learning outcomes, using pre-designed instruments. This assessor course will be of value to those in the fields of education, training and development, human resources development, and any manager or supervisor expected to possess the skills and knowledge to competently assess employees. Whether you are preparing to…

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Importance of the SDF course

What Is A Skills Development Facilitator? Firstly, what exactly is a Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)? An SDF is an individual who works to ensure that your company’s Workplace Skills Plan/Implementation Report is developed and implemented, while also serving as a liaison between you and your SETA. SDF’s who study the unit standards advocated would be more qualified to complete the functions of a professional SDF which I believe should be recognised by HR practitioners as   Advising on and implementation of Quality management Systems for skills development Conducting analysis to…

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What is the purpose of a Workplace Skills Plan – WSP?

What is the purpose of a Workplace Skills Plan WSP? The Workplace Skills Plan serves to structure the type and amount of training for the year ahead, and is based on the skills needs of the organisation. A good WSP should consider current and future needs, taking into account gaps identified through a skills audit, the performance management system, succession planning initiatives, and any new process or technology changes planned for the year. Management discusses the company’s goals with employees who in turn commit to the process of achieving these…

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COMMON TRAINING PROVIDER SCAMS & FRAUD ALERT TRAINYOUCAN Accredited Training Network strives to deliver the highest level of service delivery and 100% compliance with SAQA and the ETQA’s (SETA) guidelines and policies. Not only does this add extra creditability to our brand, but also to the learner satisfaction and competency to perform the actual task. We at TRAINYOUCAN Accredited Training Network do not want to be associated with any of the common Training Provider Scams and Fraud and will never entertain any related discussions at any point in time. Don’t…

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  A.    BEFORE THE FACILITATION COURSE *         Schedule ample time for planning *         Take some time to get to know each other *         Discuss each other’s style of planning and facilitating *         Avoid making assumptions about one another *         Take time to discuss your views about the workshop topic *         Especially examine areas of disagreement *         Discuss any concerns about potential challenges that participants may present *         Agree on common goals for workshop *         Review each other’s triggers *         Find out whether and when it is okay to interrupt *        …

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Importance of the facilitator course

TrainYouCan Accredited Training Network in South Africa who also offer the Train the Trainer Course also known as Facilitator course is aimed to accredit you as the Trainer or Facilitator to be SETA certified that is also nationally and internationally recognised by most countries. Why is Facilitation Important? Facilitation is important because meetings of large groups of people can be very hard to organize as well as to control when they are in progress. First of all, a facilitator can help members of a group get to know each other and…

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Assessors Course

In order to become an Assessor, you need both an Assessor course 115753 and occupational competence through TrainYouCan Accredited Training Network. PURPOSE OF THE UNIT STANDARD This generic Assessors Course is for those who assess people for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria using pre-designed assessment instruments. The outcomes and criteria of the assessors course may be defined in a range of documents including but not limited to Assessors Courses, exit level outcomes, assessment standards, curriculum statements and qualifications. Those who achieve this assessors course will…

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Why the Facilitator course

TrainYouCan Accredited Training Network in South Africa who also offer the Train the Trainer Course also known as Facilitator course is aimed to accredit you as the Trainer or Facilitator to be SETA certified that is also nationally and internationally recognised by most countries. Facilitation is essential to successful team and group work. That means it is also critical to organisational success, especially given the presence of conflict in organisations. The facilitator’s job is to support everyone to do their best thinking. They create an environment where everyone is encouraged to participate,…

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